About Us

StudySync AI was built for college students by a guy with a wife and daughter in college.

In Beta and Growing

StudySync AI is currently in Beta Testing.

This means that we are actively developing the tool, improving it daily to better serve your study planning needs. It also means you might see some bugs from time to time. If you run into any issues, make sure to reach out to support.

Built by family

The Team

StudySync AI has been a family project so far. Built by our family, to help you and yours.

Adam Walker - Developer

Husband. Father of five. Fractional CMO and Marketing Consultant. Wearer of fedoras. Marketing agency co-founder (with an exit). Nonprofit co-founder (48in48). Podcast host at Tech Talk Y'all and Real Pink. Most recently, I co-founded Edgewise.Media, a podcast-first marketing content agency, and TogetherLetters.com, a software for keeping people connected without social media. I'm also working on a new startup in the security space.


The Walker Family

This app has been a family project. From naming, to logo development, to user testing and feature planning, the family has been involved every step of the way. With two members of our family in college, we have a lot of opinions about how to create the best study schedule!